This week we continued to collect for the North Coventry Food Pantry as a school for the annual Make A Difference Day drive. The students can continue to bring in canned goods, paper products, and personal hygiene products throughout the week. This is an outstanding drive since everything stays right here in this community.
This Past Week:
Social Studies (Periods 2, 6, 7 and 8)
- #38-Three Branches Infographic: This assignment is designed as a culminating project where students synthesize their understanding of the three branches of government. After thoroughly investigating the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, students created an infographic that serves as a quick reference for key information. This includes the primary responsibilities of each branch, additional roles they perform, and the specific requirements for serving in each branch. The infographic offers a visual summary that students can use for future reference in understanding the structure and function of the U.S. government.
- Bill of Rights Sketch & Tell: The students watched a quick video to introduce the debate over the Bill of Rights and the freedoms granted to American Citizens by the first ten Amendments to the Constitution. Once finished, they did a quick "Sketch and Tell" to explain some of those rights.
- PearDeck Flashcard Factory: On Wednesday we did a PearDeck Flashcard Factory activity with the 5 most commonly missed terms from the Gimkit's to help us review for the Content Checkin on Friday.
- Electoral College Cyber Sandwich: The students investigated the process by which they elect the president here in the United States and then decided whether or not they believe we should make a change. The students used collaborative research to formulate and defend their opinions. Most students will finish and submit this assignment on Monday.
- Content Check-In #3: The students took the third and final check-in of the quarter on Friday.
Accelerated Social Studies (Period 3)
- Q1 Presentations: The students spent most of the week working on their Quarter 1 Research projects. The students selected a topic of their choice pertaining to the content from the first quarter and they will be creating presentation this week.
- Content Check-In #3: The students took the third and final check-in on Friday.
This Upcoming Week:
Social Studies (Periods 2, 6, 7 and 8)
This week will be divided into two main goals: reviewing for the Civics Exam (Wednesday, October 30) and their Bill of Rights projects. Here are some key points for this week:
- Review Materials: Review materials are available to the students on the Google Classroom. They can be found in the "Class Materials" topic. Included in the material is links to a Blooket, a Gimkit, and a Quizlet (flashcards).
- Civics Exam: The civics exam will in taken in class on Wednesday, October 30. The exam is 40 questions, all multiple choice and resembles the citizenship exam for those becoming naturalized citizens. This is the one exam we'll take all year and cannot be retaken.
- Bill of Rights Project: The students will work in pairs or alone to research and answer a driving question that relates to their school experience as students and OJRMS.
Accelerated Social Studies (Period 3)
The students will be reviewing for the Civics Exam and preparing for their Quarter 1 Presentations this week. The students should be prepared to present by Thursday of this week and will need to create a works cited page as well (we'll work on that in class on Wednesday).
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