Welcome: This week marked the end of the Make a Difference Day donation drive for our district. We had the opportunity to unload the bus at the Coventry Food Pantry with the wrestling team and it was amazing to see how much the OJR community donated. Thanks to all of those who sent materials in! We had the time to watch a quick video this week and I showed a great video from the now-defunct Livestrong Foundation. The video, about a cancer-survivor who summits Mt. Everest on one functioning lung, is a great reminder of how powerful humans can be. I think my favorite line from the entire video is when he says "everybody has mountains to climb." I hope you enjoy! This Past Week: Social Studies (Periods 2, 6, 7, 8): Monday: We started the day with a few rounds of Blooket to review for the Civics Exam and then the students had some time to finish their writing piece of the Electoral College Cyber Sandwich from Friday. Some of the students finished early enough to use ...