Welcome: Welcome to the third quarter and the month of February! I hope everyone enjoyed the Birds win on Sunday and wasn't too tired for work and school on Monday. It was pretty obvious from the halls on Friday that many got to enjoy the parade--that's awesome and I hope it was a memorable experience for those that went! This Past Week: Social Studies (Periods 2, 6, 7 and 8): Monday: We took some time today to finish up the #10-Child Labor Stations and then watched a little clip from America the Story of Us: Division. The students looked at the impact of the Cotton Gin and the Factory System on the United States. Check out some of the Thin Slides the students completed to demonstrate what they learned. Tuesday: We started today with a quick content burst about the advent of steam power in the United States. The students then added to their Industrial Revolution drawings before switching gears and working to categorize the assignments we've done so ...