Welcome: Welcome to November! As we turned the page on the calendar we also turned to a new quarter and a new unit of study. This quarter is all about the physical growth of the United States as we start our unit of study called "Surviving and Thriving in the American West." Finally, the students took part in the Chester County mock election--here are the results for our school. Social Studies (Periods 2, 6, 7 and 8): This Past Week: Manifest Destiny Defined: We started the week with a Pear Deck to help the students better understand the meaning of the term "Manifest Destiny" and how it relates to the physical growth of the United States in the 19th century. The students were also asked to analyze a painting from the 19th century called "American Progress." Flashcard Factory: We played a Flashcard Factory to help the students make sense of four key terms for this unit; thriving, surviving, manifest, and destiny. #03-Territories Ch...